Wednesday, June 30, 2010

JUNE 30th!!

So pretty much for the last nine months Heath and I have been repeating the date "June 30th" over and over again! While I think the statistic is something like only 5% of babies are born on their due date, after hearing a particular day over and over again you can help but think that's going to be the big day! Well . . . . here we are.

It's a bit surreal figuring out how you want to spend the last few days as a "couple" leading up to your child's birth day and beginning of a whole new family life. Heath decided to even start nesting himself. Over the last two days he has done a lot of work to our basement and our bathroom (luckily what was going to be a project that inhibited the use of our shower for two days turned into no access to the shower for just one evening!). He also baked one of his amazing homemade carrot cakes because I was craving it, and finally today he decided to get in one more round of golf with a good friend.

In an effort to save as many sick days as possible, I decided to come to work. I suppose there is also a little pride in being able to say I worked truly up until my due date. I'm also going to enjoy lunch with a good friend. Prior to this "big day" I've spent a ton of time cleaning and vacuuming, getting the baby's room ready (perhaps a little early to have the baby monitors set up but it makes me feel better!) and stocking up on toilet paper. Oh, and walking, walking, walking. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think walking to induce labor is just an old wives tale!

Whether today's the big day or not there's no denying how excited we are ( and our family, I'm getting use to the nightly phone calls!) Half jokingly, half serious a good friend made a comment that if he's anything like his dad he'll be late and probably come on the 4th of July just to make a statement! Oh goodness, I hope he's here before then :)

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