Monday, June 14, 2010

37.5 weeks

It's only when I post these pictures that I realize just how big I've gotten! With gradually getting bigger each day and having not used a zipper or button for probably five months it's easy to not even notice the circumference of my belly! I suppose next week I need to put a side by side picture up from 10 weeks to 39 weeks. Our doctor's appointments are now weekly, because I suppose anything could happen at any moment. On Wednesday, I'll technically be full term and baby Ewing has the green light! Although at out last doctor's appointment there didn't seem to be a lot of progress, so I have a feeling he's just going to stay nice and cozy as long as he can.
Back in October when were first found out we were pregnant I couldn't even imagine how I would be feeling at this moment (physically or mentally!). Now, with the bassenet sitting by our bed and the baby monitors already plugged in, I can start to picture what it'll be like to watch our baby sleeping - and hear him crying in the middle of the night! And while testing out the glider reading Brown Bear and feeling our little guy move I get more and more excited about getting to hold him while he hears the story. We have been so blessed to have a relatively easy pregnancy and so many family and friends supporting us.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! This is definitely go time for you two and I wish you a smooth arrival for Baby E!
