With our due date less than a week away, Heath and I are admittedly getting anxious. We've started getting the phone calls and the e-mails asking when our little guy is going to get here and believe us we're just as ready to know as all of our family and friends! The car seat is in the car and the hospital bag is packed.
For the last nine months we feel like all we've been doing is preparing for Baby E to arrive. I think we've neglected that our pets have also been very aware that something is changing too. Peyton loves going in to the nursery when we're in there and camps out on the rug in the middle of the room. And if all the baby's toys aren't put up, Peyton is quick to bring them to us. He has already received his "welcome home" baby present -a new indestructable toy- and Papaw Jim has been put on Peyton Patrol when he gets here. If I can just figure out how to push a stroller and walk a 93 lb dog at the same time I don't think we'll have any problems!
Peanut, our first baby, we believe is also getting the sense that life is never going to be the same. Heath surprised me with Peanut five years ago shortly after we moved to VA and to help us make our family feel complete. Unfortunately, "Peanut" is probably not the most fitting name for him (lets hope we do a better job matching our baby and his name!) and he's never been too in to being petted and loved on. He has, however, been very interested in trying out the crib and the pack-and-play. I'm not sure he's fully recovered from us bringing home our montrosity of a dog so who knows what he's going to think about Baby E?! During the summer he loves to wait by the door and try to escape -we're hopoing it's just to get outside and enjoy the weather not because he wants to run away from home.
Now that is a kitty who looks like he wants to escape!:) I am thinking of you guys and hope that the delivery goes well!