Monday, July 12, 2010

Where to start?

Nine days after after Asher's birthday the Ewing family seems to be doing OK! At some moments we feel like he was born yesterday - many of the days seem to be the same: eat, sleep, poop. Other times it seems like the little guy has been with us forever and of course as crazy at is sounds it's hard to even remember what our life was like with out him.

We've had a lot of milestones over the last nine days and already taken hundreds of pictures. Asher had a little jaundice so we had two doctor appointments his first few days home. He passed with flying colors he even made it back to his birth way by the Thursday after his birth. His weight is still in the 10-25% for his height but we're working on that awfully hard!

Asher also had a two hour photo shoot for his newborn pictures and he was quite the trooper! Aside from a little pee and poop that is going to have to be photoshopped out of the pictures he did great.

Another milestone was Asher's first trip to Target and his first lunch out at Montana Plains!

1 comment:

  1. I love that he's already made it to Target and lunch out! Congrats again, I can only imagine how much of a roller coaster everyone has been on!
