Over the last few weeks we have done lots of little things to celebrate Halloween. Asher loved going to the pumpkin patch in VA and the one in Indiana with his NeeNee and Papaw. He also enjoyed going to story time at Barnes and Noble and hearing Spookly and getting to make his own square pumpkin. We tried carving a pumpkin but that wasn't really his thing this year, maybe next. I think his most favorite part of Halloween (aside form the candy) has been his "monster books." His Nana got him The Monster Mash book and every night since then he has had to have it read to him at least once, if not more. He also has a silly monster book from last year that he loves.
For the six years we lived in Wyndhurst we always had a Halloween party. It was fun to invite friend over to eat chili, sit on our porch, and hand out hundreds of pieces of candy. It was definitely bittersweet not to be able to do that again this year. We were afraid to even go trick or treating in Wyndhurst because we thought it might upset Asher - everyone once in awhile he sit references "my house."
Instead our good friends Kamal and Alexis invited us to their church Trunk or Treat. Asher enjoyed hanging out with his little chicken-friend, Olivia! He pretty quickly got the hang of how things worked and enjoyed going up the multiple cars and saying "trick-or-treat." His favorite candy was definitely the M&M's!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
All the little moments
Punkin' Patch
On a quick trip back to Indiana (for some job interviews) Asher and I were able to go to the pumpkin patch with NeeNee and PaPaw. Asher was too afraid to ride the pony or the train but he loved riding on the hay ride. He also really liked picking out all the green pumpkins. Although his favorite part of the trip was "slingshoting" pumpkins with his Papaw.
It's Official
It's been a pretty overwhelming couple of months but it's finally official! We have moved out of our house. We rented a Penske truck, and then a Uhaul trailer (since we got some pretty bad advice on just how much stuff we'd need to move all of our things) and drove it across the country to a storage unit in Indianapolis. On September 28, 2012 exactly six years after we initially signed the deed to our house we signed it over to a new owner. We're currently living in our former neighbor's mom's house until we can fully transition to life back as Hoosiers.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
A Beautiful Day
Some days it's really easy to get sucked in to all that has to get done with grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the house and paying the bills that it's easy to forget to take a second and breath. While we did still have all of those things today we were able to talk a solid two hours and just play at the park. The weather was beautiful and we had an awesome day running around the park, going down the slides and throwing rocks off the bridge into the stream below.
Choo Choo Soul
Punkin' Patch
Asher has definitely been very interested in pumpkins this year. Of course he can't quite say the word so calls them "punkins" which is pretty adorable! His first glimpse of pumpkins was his Five Little Pumpkins book NeeNee bought him last year. At one, he mostly just smiled and made the "woo" sound when it mentioned the wind. Now, he can count with us and tells us which pumpkins are smiling or crying based on their cut-out faces.
The place had several inflatables and some playground equipment which Asher wasn't as excited about. We did get him to go down some of the slides but I guess based on the video below it's understandable why he wasn't convinced.
No worries though! Asher's tough and didn't even shed a tear! Although two days later he's still talking about how he "Went down the green slide and land on his face." . . . oops.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I cute!!
Asher is now talking in full sentences and it's pretty amazing what he comes up with. During a quick trip back to IN for FC's Homecoming Asher woke up from his nap and came downstairs and told his Nee Nee, "I cute!" Admittedly not one of his longest sentences but one of his most fun :) Although he usually will correct you when trying to tell him he is cute, or funny, or smart and instead say, "No, I Asher!"
During the same trip Asher loved being at Nana's house with all of her giraffees! He enjoyed getting to meet Sleepy's mama and give her hugs and kisses! He even liked wrestling with Nana's giant teddy bear! Unfortunately the picture doesn't quite do it justice.
In addition to talking in full sentences Asher has picked up on all his family member's names even those he doesn't seen all the time. We heard a lot of "No, No Austin" and "No, No Barkley" this weekend as Ashher gave back to them just as much as they dished out!
During the same trip Asher loved being at Nana's house with all of her giraffees! He enjoyed getting to meet Sleepy's mama and give her hugs and kisses! He even liked wrestling with Nana's giant teddy bear! Unfortunately the picture doesn't quite do it justice.
In addition to talking in full sentences Asher has picked up on all his family member's names even those he doesn't seen all the time. We heard a lot of "No, No Austin" and "No, No Barkley" this weekend as Ashher gave back to them just as much as they dished out!
10 years . . .really?
It's a very hard to believe that it's been 10 years since our FC graduation buy it really has! We had a great time catching up at Franklin's Homecoming 2012 with an FC victory and a trip to the Willard. We've accomplished a lot in those 10 years with jobs and moves and buying houses, getting married, having babies and making our own little mark on the world. We no longer get the opportunity to talk with each other day - or unfortunately see each other every year but I think we all feel blessed by the friendship we share.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Asheboro Zoo!
Asher's loves driving his buddies "fast!" |
I'd be the first to admit I'm not usually too spontaneous, but this weekend I decided we needed to take advantage of the very few and far between weekends that Heath has off and make a "family memory!" We ended up in Asheboro at the zoo. Asher loved looking at all the animals although his favorite part really probably was riding in the zoo car with his buddies the monkey, elephant and giraffe. I'd be the first to admit I'm not usually too spontaneous, but this weekend I decided we needed to take advantage of the very few and far between weekends that Heath has off and make a "family memory!" We ended up in Asheboro at the zoo. Asher loved looking at all the animals although his favorite part really probably was riding in the zoo car with his buddies the monkey, elephant and giraffe.
Nay Nay Poo Poo & Drums .
The second half of the summer has been a bit of a whirlwind since Asher's 2nd birthday. Unfortunately we didn't get to many pictures of Asher celebrating his birthday with his Lynchburg buddies but it was a party to remember. The weather didn't exactly cooperate and our party in the park was a little damp. The bees decided they also wanted to join the party and then Asher had so much fun swinging at the playground he forgot to tell daddy to slow down and his birthday rice crispy treat made a second appearance!
After Asher's birthday NeeNee and Papaw came to visit and we made a quick trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown. Everything in our lives have changed since having Asher - vacations are no exception! Asher's favorite part of the trip was the "nay nay poo-poo" (horse poop) on the road. He'd scream every time we walked by it and I think was truly fascinated that horses don't have horse potties just like us!
Asher also loved the drums and thanks to Papaw he's now got one at home :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Like Father Like Son
Asher loves doing everything his daddy does including riding his bike. They enjoyed an evening peddling around the driveway and Heath had a little shadow the entire time!
Big Big Choo Choo
One of the highlights of our trip to Indiana was on our last night there. We enjoyed a very HOT ride from Noblesville to Tipton on the Pizza Train. While they had trouble with the air-conditioning Asher didn't seem to mind. He loved seeing all the trains on the tracks and riding in the train. He made sure to point out all the colors of the train and loved hearing the train whistle.
Asher's Buddies
In addition to celebrating his birthday while in Indiana, Asher enjoyed spending some time with his cousin. Asher hasn't quite figured out how to say "Henry" and decided he didn't like his nickname, "Hank." So Asher came up with his own nickname for his cousing, "Pink." They enjoyed going down the slide together at Snappers, shooting hoops at Recreation Unlimted, and splashing around the pool at NeeNee and Papaw's.
Asher celebrated this birthday with a train pool party at his Nana and Papa's house. He loved "driving" around in his new Thomas the Train and swimming in the pool with his cousin Austin. His Aunt Nancy even made him an awesome Thomas train cake.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Asher is TWO!!
So I now have a two-year-old! It really is a little mind blowing. On July 3, 2010 Heath and I welcomed Asher in to this world and our lives changed forever. Our little guy has such a personality. It is so much fun to see all the different ways he is becoming his own little person.
Every day seems to fly by with him so it is hard to really sit down and reflect on who he is and all that makes him special. Our little guy is a definite dare-devil and, as of right now, quite the athlete. When he goes to BounceTown or the playground he always wants to go to the biggest/tallest slide. Of course he loves having his daddy follow him and help him along with all the climbing that as a little guy he can't quite do himself. He loves to "jump" from anywhere including the bottom step of the stairs or the curb or just around the yard. He's also pretty quick running around. He always comes home from daycare sweaty and stinking from all his playing - and with mulch everywhere from his shoes to diaper.
He's a talker too. And while we can't quite understand all his words he jabbers all the time. Of course he loves to say "no" and his uncle and cousin even nicknamed him "Baby No-No" But he's got some other favorites too. He regularly calls out for someone to "play" with him, and he often lets us know that he wants to go "bye-bye in mama or daddy's car." He can tell you he is "two" although he says everyone is two! He knows the letter "A" and can usually get "B" and "C" right too. As a mom I have to brag that daycare says he knows his colors and animal sounds better than anyone in his classroom!
Heath has a feeling he might be a class clown one day too. He loves to make you laugh and sometimes gets himself in trouble doing things he probably shouldn't because it causes a reaction. He's bit of a ham and now knows that camera is for taking pictures and is great at saying, "cheese." He's also pretty good at making all kinds of faces including sticking his tongue out!
But of course what I love the most is that my little guy is a lover :) He's great at giving kisses and hugs and you can usually get him to give you a good cuddle now and then too!.
Asher has all of his teeth but his canines. He's got lots of hair - I've already lost track of how many haircuts he's had. He seems to be tall for his age. He is now a great sleeper and goes to bed between 7:30-8:00 p.m. and doesn't wake up until 6:45-7:30 a.m. and usually takes a two-hour nap. He does have sweet tooth and we're finding it harder and harder to get him to try a variety of foods including vegetables. He loves taking a bath but he hates using soap. He doesn't have much interest in potty-training although he will tell you once he's gone "pooh poo" and he loves going "pee pee" which he considers just flushing the toilet.
Every day seems to fly by with him so it is hard to really sit down and reflect on who he is and all that makes him special. Our little guy is a definite dare-devil and, as of right now, quite the athlete. When he goes to BounceTown or the playground he always wants to go to the biggest/tallest slide. Of course he loves having his daddy follow him and help him along with all the climbing that as a little guy he can't quite do himself. He loves to "jump" from anywhere including the bottom step of the stairs or the curb or just around the yard. He's also pretty quick running around. He always comes home from daycare sweaty and stinking from all his playing - and with mulch everywhere from his shoes to diaper.
He's a talker too. And while we can't quite understand all his words he jabbers all the time. Of course he loves to say "no" and his uncle and cousin even nicknamed him "Baby No-No" But he's got some other favorites too. He regularly calls out for someone to "play" with him, and he often lets us know that he wants to go "bye-bye in mama or daddy's car." He can tell you he is "two" although he says everyone is two! He knows the letter "A" and can usually get "B" and "C" right too. As a mom I have to brag that daycare says he knows his colors and animal sounds better than anyone in his classroom!
Heath has a feeling he might be a class clown one day too. He loves to make you laugh and sometimes gets himself in trouble doing things he probably shouldn't because it causes a reaction. He's bit of a ham and now knows that camera is for taking pictures and is great at saying, "cheese." He's also pretty good at making all kinds of faces including sticking his tongue out!
But of course what I love the most is that my little guy is a lover :) He's great at giving kisses and hugs and you can usually get him to give you a good cuddle now and then too!.
Asher has all of his teeth but his canines. He's got lots of hair - I've already lost track of how many haircuts he's had. He seems to be tall for his age. He is now a great sleeper and goes to bed between 7:30-8:00 p.m. and doesn't wake up until 6:45-7:30 a.m. and usually takes a two-hour nap. He does have sweet tooth and we're finding it harder and harder to get him to try a variety of foods including vegetables. He loves taking a bath but he hates using soap. He doesn't have much interest in potty-training although he will tell you once he's gone "pooh poo" and he loves going "pee pee" which he considers just flushing the toilet.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Bath time
With a two-year-old running around life is always interesting. Last night I started Asher's bath and went to get his pjs ready and I heard some giggling. That ususally means Asher is up to something. Turns out he decided he did not need to wait on me to help him in to the bath tub. Instead he go himself in - clothes and all. He really is becoming Mr. Independent. He hates having any help feeding himself, especially when it comes to using a spoon. Even if that means applesauce everywhere! He now walks himself in to daycare instead of being carried. And most mornings he runs right in, gives his mama and kisses and starts playing with his buddies (we still have a bad one every now and then). He even likes getting choices with what shirt to wear and what cup to drink out of.
But I'm not worried yet! A common mantra throughout the house is "Mama, where are you?!!?" Asher always like to have someone in his sight and pretty regulary he'll come grab your hand to come play with him because he doesn't want to play alone.
But I'm not worried yet! A common mantra throughout the house is "Mama, where are you?!!?" Asher always like to have someone in his sight and pretty regulary he'll come grab your hand to come play with him because he doesn't want to play alone.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Keeping Busy
Sometimes it is hard to come up with things to keep Asher busy on his days at home. He loves playing with his cars and trains but even that can get boring after awhile. Asher does appear to be a bit of a budding artist and loves to color and paint. Of course he always enjoys going to his favorite stomping grounds as well: the train table at Barnes and Noble, the playground in our neighborhood, BounceAbout, Chick-fil-A, Romp and Roll and the park!
"Happy Dada's Day!"
Unfortunately Heath spent most of Father's Day working. He did get to come home to one of his favorite meals . . . Moe's! Asher got him a ribbon for the Best Father and some new pictures of himself - even if he's upset in most of them and refused to let got of "Baa" in any of them. He also helped me pick out father/son shirts for the future. All day long Asher and I practiced and pretty much by them time Heath got him Asher had it down wishing Heath a "Happy Dada's Day!"
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Shh . . . don't tell
Asher has learned the mall can be a lot of fun. It doesn't just have to be sitting in his stoller being eye-level with a bunch of boring clothes. Luckily he still doesn't know if you put money in the cars they actually move and make noises. Right now he's content with just climbing in and out of them pretending to drive them.
He is starting to get the routine of all his favorite stomping grounds on mama's days off. If we get near Barnes and Nobles he starts yelling "choo choo" for the train table. If we're in the mall he starts shouting "play, play" because he knows that is where BounceAbout is. And he's aware that a neighborhood walk usually ends with a trip to the "slide, slide."
I think Asher thought our trip to the mall was quite successful, unfortunately he wasn't overly cooperative on helping me get daddy's Father's Day present - more to come on that later!!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
We did our best to celebrate the unofficial start to this summer! Unfortunately, Heath spent most of the weekend at work but Asher and I enjoyed some really great, really hot weather. Asher spent hours enjoying his new water table. I think the one with all the balls was definitely the way to go. He even broke out a new word to describe his new toy, "Awesome!"
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Strawberry Pickin'
Asher had a playdate with his buddy Brooks last weekend and they enjoyed a trip to the strawberry patch. Cleary Asher (and Brooks too) was much more interested in eating the berries than picking them! Asher also really enjoyed running up and down the rows in the fields. It was even more fun since it was rainy and muddy. Asher and Brooks are only about 6 weeks apart. They don't really interact yet but they have at least become aware of each other. They were cracking themselves up on the way to the strawberry patch making different noises and sounds and then mimicking each other.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Asher now has a new favorite word, "help!" But he doesn't just say help he says "hellllp." We've been in Virginia for 7 years but I've never really thought we developed a southern accent. However, Asher's "help" truly sounds like its got a southern twang to it :)
Every day it seems like Asher picks up a half dozen new words. Two that warmed our hearts recently were "Mae Mae" and "I Love You." It took us a long time to figure out what "MaeMae" was but apparently it's his best buddy Mason. Mason has been going to the same school as Asher since they were both 8 weeks old. It's really fun to know that Asher has connected with his friend and knows who he is.
And of course - how could you not just melt when your first child is finally able to look at you and say, "I love you!:
Every day it seems like Asher picks up a half dozen new words. Two that warmed our hearts recently were "Mae Mae" and "I Love You." It took us a long time to figure out what "MaeMae" was but apparently it's his best buddy Mason. Mason has been going to the same school as Asher since they were both 8 weeks old. It's really fun to know that Asher has connected with his friend and knows who he is.
And of course - how could you not just melt when your first child is finally able to look at you and say, "I love you!:
Mr. Comedian
Lately Asher thinks it's pretty funny to stick things on his head. He knows the word head and I think he enjoys saying head and then seeing how whatever he puts on his head falls off. Well, during bath time recently he discovered that his fish actually sticks on his head. Hilarious! (Can you see he's almost go all of his teeth in!)
Baa and Sleepy
Unfortunately for Asher is Mama and Dada aren't exactly creative in helping him name his buddies, but that hasn't seemed to effect his love for his "Baa" and "Sleepy." They both are a staple in his bedtime routine. After Asher's bath Baa and Sleepy join us for some bedtime stories. Last night Asher decided he didn't need his Mama reading his stories to everyone. He could do it himself. He's got one of his favorite books in his lap and loves to point out all the colors and animals.
Party Time
Apparently the spring is birthday season and Asher's party card got quite full. He had three parties in the last two weeks. I think he's decided birthday parties aren't too bad! I'm pretty sure his favorite part is the "cake." At his buddy Miss Caroline's birthday party he even joyed wearing the party hats.
Choo Choos
Thankfully Barnes and Noble has FINALLY gotten its train table back!! Asher really enjoys playing with the trains and was very disappointed that for the last few months he couldn't go play at the bookstore. They even have his favorite train, "KoKo." Asher can tell you the color of all the trains, too!
Asher enjoyed a weekend get-away with his Nana and Grandpa in Richmond. He LOVED the zoo!! He would run up to every animal and make their animal sound. He loved feeding the giraffes and even got to ride on a "choo choo." Then he got to enjoy swimming in the hotel pool and visiting the Richmond Children's Museum!
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