Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bath time

With a two-year-old running around life is always interesting. Last night I started Asher's bath and went to get his pjs ready and I heard some giggling. That ususally means Asher is up to something. Turns out he decided he did not need to wait on me to help him in to the bath tub. Instead he go himself in - clothes and all. He really is becoming Mr. Independent. He hates having any help feeding himself, especially when it comes to using a spoon. Even if that means applesauce everywhere! He now walks himself in to daycare instead of being carried. And most mornings he runs right in, gives his mama and kisses and starts playing with his buddies (we still have a bad one every now and then). He even likes getting choices with what shirt to wear and what cup to drink out of.
But I'm not worried yet! A common mantra throughout the house is "Mama, where are you?!!?" Asher always like to have someone in his sight and pretty regulary he'll come grab your hand to come play with him because he doesn't want to play alone.

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