Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nay Nay Poo Poo & Drums .

The second half of the summer has been a bit of a whirlwind since Asher's 2nd birthday. Unfortunately we didn't get to many pictures of Asher celebrating his birthday with his Lynchburg buddies but it was a party to remember. The weather didn't exactly cooperate and our party in the park was a little damp. The bees decided they also wanted to join the party and then Asher had so much fun swinging at the playground he forgot to tell daddy to slow down and his birthday rice crispy treat made a second appearance!

After Asher's birthday NeeNee and Papaw came to visit and we made a quick trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown. Everything in our lives have changed since having Asher - vacations are no exception! Asher's favorite part of the trip was the "nay nay poo-poo" (horse poop) on the road. He'd scream every time we walked by it and I think was truly fascinated that horses don't have horse potties just like us! 

Asher also loved the drums and thanks to Papaw he's now got one at home :)

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