Sunday, May 23, 2010

Whenever I See Your Smiling Face

Heath and I have made some GREAT progress on the nursery! Thanks to my college roommate for her inspiration and beautiful handmade quilt. We decided to go with lots of colors and lots of polka dots.

"Whenever I See Your Smiling Face" was the James Taylor song Heath and I danced to at our wedding. It's hard to believe that was five years ago- Look how far we've come :) I know on that day we both hoped one day in the future we'd be welcoming a little one in to the world - it's hard to believe that moment is almost here! We've had so many happy memories to smile about over the last five years. And we thought this would be the perfect inspiration for baby e's nursery (note we are still without a name for this baby!!!!). Hopefully we'll see him in here smiling a lot more than crying!

There is still some work to be done in the nursery but we feel pretty good about how far along we are. AND we just ordered the glider this weekend (thanks to the generosity of Heath's parents). Let's pray it doesn't take as long as the other nursery furniture to come in!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I really like the writing on the wall, may have to steal that idea! :)
