Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Productive Memorial Day Weekend!

Unfortunately, Heath has to work on Memorial Day but we certainly made the most of the weekend. Lots of projects around the house got done and today we took the day to spoil Peyton! He got to go swimming in the lake and for a nice long walk!And Heath and I realized that maybe the reason we've been having such a hard time picking a new name for our little boy is because we weren't making it a family decision. So . . . we decided to get Peyton involved and wrote our two favorite names on tennis balls and we decided which ever one Peyton brought back to us was the right name (I'm not quite sure how I'm going to explain to our son that our dog picked his name but hopefully he'll understand)! We decided to do best two out of three and Peyton did his best to keep it equal making it 1 to 1. And on the third throw he thought and thought and finally worked SO hard to bring back BOTH tennis balls!! (not sure you can see them both in his mouth from this picture but they're there!) He finally did break the tie but you'll have to wait until the little guy is here to learn what his name is going to be!!!

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