Tuesday, March 2, 2010

22 weeks!

Heath and I had another ultra sound last Thursday (22 1/2 weeks). It was unbelievable to see how much "little man Ewing" (as the ultrasound tech called him) had grown since the last ultrasound 3 months ago! As proud parents we got several pictures to take home with us. Luckily, the were all labeled because I'm not sure I'd be able to tell what they were on my own, but we got to see his kidneys, heart, arm/leg bones and proof that he's a boy! It's amazing how he already seemed to have his own little personality. I'd like to say he's got a little of his dad's attitude - he kept his hands up near his face the majority of the time and at one point it looked like he even swatted at the camera as if to say - "quit poking me!" and my modesty - it took quite awhile to figure out he was a boy.


  1. So in honor of upcoming showers, I just made lil man Ewing's picture the background on my computer screen. Yay!! :)

  2. Wow, I haven't even done that! Just don't make the most recent 24 weeks picture your screen saver!
