Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Cleary, I've once again gotten way behind on my blogging. We've had a lot of fun this fall. Asher initially thought he wanted to be a minion for Halloween (once we figured out exactly what he was talking about. He first called minions "onions." Then it was Batman. Then it was a Batman minion - not quite sure how you do that. And before Halloween actually arrived I think he also wanted to be a firefighter - but by that point the Batman costume had already been purchased. Overall, I think Asher was pretty happy with it. Unfortunately, a torrential downpour caused trick-or-treating to be delayed by a night and Heath ended up having to work but NeeNee and Papaw were stand-ins. Asher really got the hang off carrying his little bucket around saying "trick-or-treat." Of course after 7 or 8 houses he was ready to back inside where it was warm!

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