Monday, August 30, 2010

8 weeks

Asher is really starting to develop his own personality now. He had a great week with a visit from NeeNee although he missed his dad (who went on a golf trip to Myrtle Beach). I've been debating about when I can really write down that he is smiling in his baby book and now I'm sure this week is it! We're not just getting those half smiles that come with a little gas or in his sleep but it's the real deal with bright eyes and wide open mouth now(we haven't been able to quite capture his smiles in a picture yet!). He thinks his mommy and daddy are pretty funny when they stick our their tongue at him and blow raspberries.
Asher also discovered his changing table wall this week. I'd like to think we're his best friends; however, I think the changing table wall is giving us a run for our money. Asher can lay on his changing pad and look at his wall forever just smiling, cooing and kicking his legs. Apparently it's quite entertaining!


  1. Look at those big blue eyes!! Love it! :)

  2. Ooh, also meant to comment about the changing table- Sam was totally the same way. Even without anything on the wall, he loved to stare at it. We called it looking at his "shadow friends." I had another theory too; ask me about it, I'd sound crazy if I posted it on Blogspot. :) Go Asher!!

  3. I'm excited to see these pictures-you get a much better sense of him! Smiling is a great tool Asher!
