Asher got to meet Santa this morning during his daycare's Breakfast with Santa! They've tried to make the whole week fun for the kiddos and yesterday was jammies day. Asher wasn't quite sure what to think of Santa but didn't seem to mind sitting on his lap and while he can't talk yet her certainly looked like he knew he was suppose to tell him what he wanted for Christmas!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Asher got to meet Santa this morning during his daycare's Breakfast with Santa! They've tried to make the whole week fun for the kiddos and yesterday was jammies day. Asher wasn't quite sure what to think of Santa but didn't seem to mind sitting on his lap and while he can't talk yet her certainly looked like he knew he was suppose to tell him what he wanted for Christmas!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Rice Cereal and Oatmeal . . . Yummmy!
At Asher's 4 month appointment the doctor said it would be alright to let Asher starting trying some solid foods, but then he had his first ear infection and we were off to Indiana for Thanksgiving. So finally, at closer to five months old, Asher got the chance to try out a spoon! He started with just a teaspoon of rice cereal and loved it! Of course it made a pretty big mess but he is really getting the hang of it now and we see butternut squash in his future soon (Heath and I are just glad he's the one eating it and not us, yuck!).
Getting Ready for Christmas!
Since we've been back in VA from our whirlwind trip to Indiana for Thanksgiving we've been hard at work getting ready for Christmas. We spent an entire day baking goodies for the neighbors, we went to Mistletoe Market and had our picture taken with The Grinch and we've spent lots of time shopping and wrapping presents!
Asher met his cousin Sam when he was only 5weeks old but at 5 months Asher realized just how good of buddies he and his cousin are going to be. They had a great time sharing toys, decorating Christmas cookies and listening to stories together! Boy, they sure are going to get in to a lot of trouble together when they get older!
1st Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Grape flavoring
Asher is now finally beginning to enjoy his baths. So we've started introducing some bath toys. It turns out Asher's favorite animal just might be an octopus? "Oliver" the Octopus has been his best friend since he was only a week or two old and he was was mesmerized looking up at him on his play mat. Now they play together all the time as Asher reaches for him and shakes him. During bath time Asher has a bag full of ocean animals to play with and we thought he might go for his cousin's favorite "crabby" and "snappy" but looks like Oliver the Octopus bath toy wins out again!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Not quite six months!
Asher went for his 4 month check up on Friday and he weighed 15 lbs 10 oz and was 26 inches long. The nurse told us he was in the 25% of weight and head circumference and 50% on height. Feeling a little disappointed because he'd been measuring higher than that at his previous doctor's appointments the doctor came in and started telling us how well he was doing and growing. He's grown 3 lbs since his two month appointment and grew 2 inches! Turns out the nurse had measured his on the 6 month chart instead of the 4 month chart! Our little guy is actually measuring in the 75% on weight and 90% on height. He's acting like a little six month old sometimes though! Above he's sitting in his bouncy, but he hates putting his head back and always has to lift it up - looks like he's going to have some great stomach muscles doing all those crunches!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
"Stand Up Please"
A few weeks ago Asher's cousin, Sam, came for a visit. During the visit, Sam very politely asked Asher to "Stand Up Please" while Asher was hanging out in his bouncy seat. At six weeks old, unfortunately, Asher was just a little too young and couldn't fulfill the command. But . . . who would've guessed Sam knew exactly what he was talking about and just needed to give Asher a few more weeks! Now, Asher LOVES to stand up and will pretty much push off against anything!
Mr. Bones standing up!
Standing up talking to daddy!
Standing up even when there is nothing to stand on!
He loves pushing his feet into your legs, the couch or even your arm while you're standing up if he has to! He is definitely building up those leg muscles. He's also working on his next muscles and now is no longer content just relaxing riding in his car seat- he always wants to be able to see what is going on. Even if that means raising his head up and keeping it up.
Christmas in October
Christmas came early in the Ewing household this year. With NeeNee and Papaw in town Asher got his Christmas present a few months in advance. Asher got an activity center to grow in to over the next few months, and already mesmerized by the iguana.
I think the present already gave Heath a taste of what his Christmases as a dad are going to be like! Hours and hours putting hundreds and hundreds of pieces of presents together - one piece at a time (thank goodness this time he had PaPaw to help!)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Belaying, Birthday and BBQ!
During the weekend Asher got his Halloween pictures taken in his puppy costume. And Heath and Maddie enjoyed several late nights (probably from all the sugar in the candy bouquet) while Asher and mommy hit the hay early! Asher LOVED playing with his cousin! Can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
. . . "thank you for being a friend"
We enjoyed a great weekend with some pretty good weather and went to multiple wineries, an apple festival and to the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We even got to see Heath get dunked (not by me, although I tried) at Kid's Day with the Emergency Department.
We ended the weekend with a toast and a great dinner!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My Little Pumpkin
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Nature vs. Nurture
I'm not 100% sure but I think in this picture Asher is sucking his index finger and fell asleep. He's not too picky and likes sticking all his fingers in his both and would get his entire hand in there if he could. He's also quite content to have a pacifier in his mouth too. But if he's anything like his mom he may decide that his index finger is his favorite! After all, he already has crooked pinky fingers.
13 weeks
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This Friday, Oct 1st, I will be leaving Sweet Briar after five years (ironically pretty much to the date). When Heath and I decided to take this adventure to VA, right after we got married, he had a position with the ortho group in town but I had no idea what I'd be doing. It was a leap of faith and I feel blessed that Sweet Briar and I found each other. We came down here with very few bills (aside from some student loans) and even fewer responsibilities. Over the years we've grown as individuals and as a couple and now as a family. First came Peanut, then a house, then Peyton and now our world revolves around Asher!
Starting next Tuesday I'll be taking another leap of faith to begin a part-time position at Randolph College in their alumnae/development offices. I am very excited about the job responsibilites as well as the opportunity to spend more time at home with Asher. But as I pack up my things I realize just what a comfortable routine I've gotten in to and how difficult it will be to say good-bye to all of my colleagues. Thinking about all of the moves I've made in recent years I realize I haven't stayed in one place this long since living at home with my parents over 10 years ago!
I'm so proud of Heath and I for the risk we took in moving to VA. While it's been hard to be so far from friends and family we are both certain it was the right move - we've had so many great experiences being down here. Here's to hoping this next risk is just as fruitful!
Starting next Tuesday I'll be taking another leap of faith to begin a part-time position at Randolph College in their alumnae/development offices. I am very excited about the job responsibilites as well as the opportunity to spend more time at home with Asher. But as I pack up my things I realize just what a comfortable routine I've gotten in to and how difficult it will be to say good-bye to all of my colleagues. Thinking about all of the moves I've made in recent years I realize I haven't stayed in one place this long since living at home with my parents over 10 years ago!
I'm so proud of Heath and I for the risk we took in moving to VA. While it's been hard to be so far from friends and family we are both certain it was the right move - we've had so many great experiences being down here. Here's to hoping this next risk is just as fruitful!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
12 weeks
Once again the Colts game had to be recorded because of our weekend plans. This time Asher figured out to get to watch some of it! He had the right idea and put his "jammies" on for the big game.
This weekend Asher got to get his 3-month pictures "made" as they say down here in the South. He did great and we got some awesome shots. Then he had some man-time with daddy and went to hear a local band play while mommy went to work. He even got to put his jeans on for the first time for his night on the town. The weekend ended with a party with the emergency department where everyone made over our little guy!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Beer & Wine Festival - OR Dt. Coke & Milk Festival!!
11 weeks
Someone asked me this week when you stop counting your baby's age by week and instead count it by month. Neither one of us knew but we both figured around three months sounded about right - and Asher is quickly approaching the three month mark!! That made me realize just how fast the last three months have gone. It probably sounds crazy to hear that Asher is getting to be SO big (I know Heath thinks it does), but when you look back at where we've come in the last 11 weeks he REALLY is. I thought it'd be fun to post a side-by-side comparison photos of Asher in his bouncy seat (a definite favorite from Aunt Jennifer).
I think we're still pretty far from sleeping through the night but now he's just up once or twice a night - but has a little midnight snack and is quickly back to sleep. A huge difference from just a few weeks ago. Asher had another milestone this weekend. He really enjoys being in his front carrier and going for walks with mommy and daddy, and tonight he went for his walk facing out towards the world, instead of looking at one of our chests. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities for him!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A new Colts fan is born
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A day to remember
Saturday, September 4, 2010
9 weeks
Monday, August 30, 2010
8 weeks
Asher is really starting to develop his own personality now. He had a great week with a visit from NeeNee although he missed his dad (who went on a golf trip to Myrtle Beach). I've been debating about when I can really write down that he is smiling in his baby book and now I'm sure this week is it! We're not just getting those half smiles that come with a little gas or in his sleep but it's the real deal with bright eyes and wide open mouth now(we haven't been able to quite capture his smiles in a picture yet!). He thinks his mommy and daddy are pretty funny when they stick our their tongue at him and blow raspberries.
Asher also discovered his changing table wall this week. I'd like to think we're his best friends; however, I think the changing table wall is giving us a run for our money. Asher can lay on his changing pad and look at his wall forever just smiling, cooing and kicking his legs. Apparently it's quite entertaining!
A tough week
I've been dreading this week for a while now and it's finally here. We kicked it off with having to say good-bye to NeeNee and Uncle Tim. Asher really enjoyed getting to "talk" to his Uncle Tim as he came down to go on a golf outing with Heath to Myrtle Beach. And NeeNee came for the week to help out with Heath being out of town.
After the good-byes Asher had his 2-month check up with the doctor. He was very happy to see Dr. Mutch and even showed off his smiles! He was not, however, so happy to see the nurse who gave him three shots. I probably cried as much as he did (although I'm SURE I didn't cry as loud!) But a couple of Loony Tunes band-aids later and we seem to be doing all right . . . for now!
The shots certainly weren't any fun but it was fun to see Asher growing and find out he really is "perfect" - direct quote from the doctor. He was 12 lbs 6 oz and is 24 inches long - in the 75% in both.
You would think that would be enough for one week but after the good-byes and the shots we've got daycare and going back to work to look forward to. Again, I'm sure it'll be much harder on me than Asher!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Week 7 means more visitors!
Asher got to meet yet another member of his extended family while celebrating his 7 week birthday as Aunt Jennifer made a pit stop in Lynchburg this past week! It was a pretty low-key vacation -however, true to her style every morning we woke up wondering, "What are we going to do today??" Our small outings certainly began adventures as we took our little guy with us and made our first trip to the mall! Asher was a trooper and will certainly be a shopper one day! We also made it to the paint your own pottery place (to document the size of Asher's feet) and visited daddy at work!
You can see from above Asher has now discovered his hands and LOVES to suck on them!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My First Fountain
Asher is now 6 weeks old! And this morning was the first time Asher decided to surprise me with a fountain while changing his diaper. I've heard this can happen a lot with a boy and NeeNee experienced this once or twice while she was visiting. Don't get me wrong Asher has leaked through multiple diapers and is able to get quite "relaxed" while taking a bath but this was the first time on the changing table! As I've been documenting there are certainly have been lots of firsts!
A couple of others would be Asher's first time attempting to use a bottle. With returning to work looming over my head and daycare fast approaching we figured we better make sure he can drink out of a bottle and he was quite successful!
Finally, on Asher's 6 week birthday his dad went golfing (of course!) and put Asher in his little golf outfit. These bibs are very special to us because they are the very first outfit Heath picked out when we found out we were having a boy. That day seems like so long ago!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Some Big Numbers!!
Over this past week Asher has had some very memorable moments (or at least his parents think so!). First, he's still gaining weight! On Monday he was up to 10 lbs 11 oz. That's hard to believe he's grown that much in the last 5 1/2 weeks. I'm pretty sure if you asked Heath or I neither one us would say we would want to go back to where we've were 5 weeks ago (we've come a long way as parents) but as weird as it sounds we do miss how he felt in our arms just a few short weeks ago. He actually makes your arms a little tired now from holding him!
699-XX-XXXX - another big number. We just received Asher's social security card in the mail yesterday. What an overwhelming sense of responsibility! We received his birth certificate a few days ago too. It's really fun to see his name on the documents - making him official :) And of course it's been pretty obvious to us since he came home from the hospital that we're totally responsible for him but I think receiving those documents makes it that much more real.
Finally, the last big number is SEVEN! Yes, Asher actually went 7 hours in between feedings last night. Of course by the time he had his bath, got in to his jammies and actually went to sleep mom only got 6 hours of sleep but that feels like a HUGE accomplishment. Talking to friends, I realize that I shouldn't hold my breath and who knows what tonight brings but I at least feel refreshed this morning!
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