Sunday, April 14, 2013

Just a little behind

Between moving, starting a new job, staring a new daycare, Spring birthdays, Easter and just trying to put one foot in front of the other I've gotten a little behind on our blog. In mid-February our little family moved out of our temporary residence with NeeNee and Papaw in to our own apartment in Zionsville. Heath was very thankful to cut his commute time down drastically! A few short, stressful weeks later I began a new job working in the HR department for Zionsville Community Schools. It was definitely an adjustment to go back to work full-time but with my schedule I'm off by 3:00 and still get to enjoy some of the afternoon with Asher.
Asher has been thriving in his new environment and at his new daycare. At 2 1/2 I'm sure he doesn't understand all of the transitions that have happened over the last few months but I think he's happy to finally be a little more settled. He still cries when he gets dropped off at daycare (luckily that's Heath's job now!) but he always comes home with fun stories about all he did, his friends, and his teacher's Ms. Jen and Ms. Cara. We feel very lucky to have found the Goddard School.
Every day Asher does at LEAST two or three adorable things that I think I HAVE to write down or I'll be so sad I forgot about later when he gets older. Apparently, I've forgotten them even sooner as I try to think about them right now! He definitely isn't our little baby anymore and is extremely talkative an very independent.

1. Dora and Diego are definitely Asher's favorite cartoons. Tonight he even surprised us by saying dinner was "deliciouso" and counting to six in Spanish. Although quatro doesn't come out quite right.
2. Turns out he might have a flair for the languages. When he was playing on the IPAD the narrator had an English accent - so Asher started asking for a banana in an English accent too.
3. Since being in daycare Asher has really started singing more. He loves Twinkle Twinkle and his ABC song. He'll even sing "Bingo," "Alice the Camel," and "Red, red's the color I see if you don't see than SIT BACK DOWN!"
4. He still says, "You Welcome" instead of "You're Welcome" and a new favorite is "Gimme Some Sugar!" when he wants a kiss
5. I'd say yogurt covered raisins and applesauce are his favorite snacks and he has no problem walking himself over to the pantry and picking out a snack for himself, and at a restaurant if you order "spaghetti" it's pretty much a guarantee he'll eat the entire plate!
6. His favorite color is STILL yellow and he STILL has to sleep with his me and Sleepy!
7. He loves going to the Zionsville library and running on the letters, putting the books in the return box, watching the fish, and "checking out book."
8. Some of his favorite books are "I love you StinkyFace" and "Goodnight Train"
9. Asher is just starting to get the hang out Hide and Seek and loves to play although he usually tell you where he is!
10. Asher loves being outside to play and is pretty much happy anywhere as long as he can run and throw, but he also really likes Snappers and the "Museum" and Gymboree

While there have been some drawbacks to our new apartment life a benefit has been not being quite so concerned with everything in the house. Asher and Heath decided the kitchen floor would look a little better with some side walk chalk on it :)

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