Thursday, March 1, 2012


Asher had quite the day yesterday. Every day we get a daily report from daycare and normally it says really good things. Sometimes he'll get a star for being a good helper and picking up toys or maybe they'll mention how much fun he had outside. The last two days his daily report has mentioned how Asher is having trouble keeping his hands to himself. Apparently he has decided if he doesn't like something hitting is the best way to resolve the issue. "Hands are Not for Hitting" has become part of the daily literature at daycare and part of his nightly bedtime routine. Daycare even commented that Asher does know what his hands are for when you ask him (we haven't heard him tell us anything yet). Anyway, hopefully this is just a phase that will quickly pass!

After not getting the best report Mama was a little flustered getting Asher in the car after daycare. I am very paranoid about locking my keys in the care when dropping off or picking up Asher. Yesterday, with Asher in one arm I went to open the car door and it was locked, "S*#!" So I went to open another door, "S*#!" And before I knew it a little, tiny "s*#!" popped out of Asher's mouth. Looks like we'll need to start watching that a little more closely!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! ;) Reminds me of Sam's biting phase. Don't worry, the hitting part will pass. And the "S*#!" part is just hilarious to Auntie Heather!
