Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 Christmases Later . ..

After an awesome four-day weekend in Lynchburg, I think Heath and I finally feel settled back in after the holidays. So I'm just now getting caught up on my blogging! With Heath's job we've had to be very flexible with what Christmas in Lynchburg looks like. This year we opened presents on Christmas Eve Eve and enjoyed steak and salmon on the grill. Then Christmas day we opened stockings but the majority of the morning was actually spent packing. Asher and I did enjoy making some Christmas salt ornaments for the tree next year, although he learned you definitely shouldn't eat the dough!

During Christmas #1 Asher didn't quite get how the whole present thing worked. He was more interested in standing on the boxes. But once the presents were opened he really did enjoy is monster truck, car trailer and puzzle!

Having to be so flexible with the holiday I thought it would be fun if we started some of our own traditions to keep from year to year. This year we all got matching Christmas jammies and Asher got his own Christmas tree ornament to start his collection.

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