Sunday, March 27, 2011


There's not doubt Asher is an amazing kid. He's always happy, loves to play, is a great eater and growing just like he should. He's perfect, right?! The ONLY thing Heath and I might wish were a little different were his sleeping habits :) Between Thanksgiving and Christmas sleep was pretty limited and we didn't know how we were going to survive! After Christmas, we got very serious about a strict bedtime routine: dinner at 6:30, bathtime, jammies and "lo-lo", bedtime stories, nursing and bed. Whether it was him getting a little older or the bedtime routine Asher started to figure it out and would fall asleep pretty easily! Of course still waking up once between 2-4:00 a.m. for a night-time feeding. At nine months old we've eased up a little on the bedtime routine and Heath can read the stories or give him a bottle and he's made it through the night twice without waking up - once again, "any day now" hopefully he'll be sleeping through the night every night!
It seems his sleep habits through the day are just as tricky to figure out! At home he takes a great 1 1/2 or 2 hour nap in the morning (if we're lucky) at daycare he seems much more interested in being awake and playing! Maybe it's "Sleepy the Giraffe" who makes the difference?!?

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