Sunday, February 13, 2011


Asher had his first big overnight trip this weekend (aside from visits to Indiana to visit family). We visited the Richmond Zoo and Children's museum. It's hard to count all the firsts he had including seeing multiple animals live that he's only seen in books, riding down a slide, sleeping in a hotel room, and going swimming. Hmmmm, apparently he has also learned how to scream. And boy can he use his lungs. We all came home from the weekend thoroughly exhausted. And while Asher won't remember a moment of the weekend we'll have the pictures to show him we feel like a torch has been passed! Thank you mom and dad for every trip and activity you exposed us to - now we truly know how much work they are!

New Year's Resolution

My new year's resolution was to try and get the paperwork in my life organized. Can't say I'm there yet but I've at least got a good start with getting my files organized. Of course Asher had to help!


Asher tried his first finger foods this week at 7 months old. While he wasn't quite sure about them at firs the decided "puffs" were pretty good! We've noticed he can get them in to his mouth pretty easily with his left but needs his left hand to guide his right hand in to him mouth, hmmm??!
It's amazing how fast Asher is growing and what all he has learned in the last 7 months! He's still working on crawling but "tummy time" isn't terrible anymore and he's working on crawling - at least moving backwards a little!